Out of the thousands of twin flame stories I’ve heard over the years, the phrase my twin flame blocked me is probably more common than you might think. Whether it’s on social media or by phone, I know (first-hand) the pain of not having an answer to your message from your twin flame.

A lot of the stories you hear about the connection between two mirror souls focus on the end result. The connection. The union. The journey to get there can be a bumpy ride, and the twin flame separation phase isn’t always easy. Messages go unanswered, and the twin flame silent treatment can be deafening.

I know it can be painful, so we’re going to look at why it happens, what it means, and what actually to do when your twin flame blocks you.

If you’re in need of some more specific guidance on your separation phase, consider a twin flame reading.

What Does it Mean When They Block You?

First of all – there’s a couple of things it doesn’t mean:

  • It doesn’t mean you’re not on a real twin flame journey.
  • It doesn’t mean they are a false twin flame.
  • It doesn’t mean they don’t feel something (they just likely don’t understand what it is they feel).

No two twin flame journies are ever going to be exactly alike, but there’s one constant that is certain here: If it’s a real twin flame journey you’re on, then your twin flame blocking you means you’re not ready for union: no more and no less. There’s still work ahead for you to do.

It’s an emotionally painful phase and an important part of your journey.

Why is My Twin Flame Ghosting Me?

Understanding how and why something is happening in a twin flame journey is… tricky. You’re trying to understand the actions of someone who most likely doesn’t consciously understand their own actions or feelings at the moment.

twin flame ghosting me

Your twin flame could be blocking you for any one of a number of different reasons. Out of all the stories I hear, these are possibly some of the most common, but it’s far from an exhaustive list.

  • They might not be consciously aware of the journey at all. If they’re in a relationship with a false twin flame, they may block you.
  • If your twin flame runner is not ready for this kind of connection, they can go into soul shock. When they don’t understand the connection between the two of you, their fight or flight instinct kicks in, which can result in them blocking you – or at least not replying.
  • In rare situations, the initial meeting of twin flames doesn’t actually result in love or attraction. It can actually have the opposite result initially which could lead to them blocking you.

Does My Twin Flame Runner Miss Me?

This is an interesting question. And the answer is both yes and no.

If your twin flame isn’t aware of the journey you’re on, then some part of it misses you. This can manifest in different ways, but they might not be consciously aware of it. I’ve covered the twin flame telepathy in more detail already, but you’ll generally see signs of them missing you during stages like this.

Technically, your twin flame misses you before you ever physically meet, but whether they’re aware of it or not will vary depending on where you currently are in your journey and how spiritually aware your twin is of the path you’re on together.

What to Do About It When Your Twin Flame Blocks You

There’s no easy process you can follow to stop your twin flame from blocking you. The best advice I can give is to understand as much of the journey as you can, be open to your twin reaching back out without pressuring them and take this time to focus on your own spiritual path.

While it can sometimes feel like it’s only the runner who has growing still to do, when twins are in separation it’s because both still have work to do before they’re ready to continue. If you’re looking for more specific guidance, then consider a twin flame reading for help:

Step 1 of 3

  • Tell me about your journey so far. This will be used to put together a twin flame reading to help steer your path but won't be shared or published.

  • Your Details

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • (This is where we'll send your reading. Just make sure you agree to our privacy policy).


After struggling with my own twin flame journey for many years I became (I'll say it) almost obsessed with the twin flame journey and this path of self-discovery and improvement.

Now after sharing the stories of thousands of people going through their own journey I want to share my own thoughts and the patterns I see on twin flames.

I'm wary of speaking in absolutes on a subject like this. There's too much that any of us will really ever *know* (at least in this lifetime) so my opinions are based on my experience and the experience of those I speak to and who share their stories with me.

There are no two journeys that are ever going to be entirely alike but when you see enough of them, you do see definite patterns emerge.

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Twin Flame Reading Session