Thank you for taking the time with me. I know it can be difficult trying to put these experiences into words sometimes.
Please note your reading is not automatically available. They take time to prepare (99% of them are done within 24 hours) and will be sent to you via the email you provided. If you don’t see it – check your spam box or get in touch if you have any problems.
Thank you for taking the time with me today. Your details won’t be published or shared with anyone.
Keep an eye on your email and I’ll have your reading and/or any follow-up questions on your path. It will look something like this:
I’d like to give you guidance throughout your road ahead. If you add me as a contact in your inbox, we’ll be able to talk without emails getting lost. For the first one, don’t forget to check your spam inbox in case it goes there by mistake.
Do you want to dig further into your twin flame journey? Join the Twin Flame Collective community. Twin flames working together to drive eachother forward towards true physical union.
The kinds of things you can expect there:
- Weekly twin flame collective energy forecasts and Tarot readings.
- Community twin flame forum
- Stories, questions and advice from other twin flames at various stages of the journey.
The journey can be hard enough, you don’t need to do it alone. If you’d like, you can join here.